I can’t prove the jug wine my parents drank was bottled on its journey down a horse’s leg but I have my suspicions…
Finding Out
I fell in love in the fifth grade. I loved him because he hunted turkey
I Told My Mother I Was a Ghost. Period.
One Halloween, I put on a white sheet with a blue line down the center
It’s six in the morning and I’m punch-drunk on smell. A sunbird is
how to change the world a little
You go into this club alone because your friends get into a better one
Let the Right One In: Manifesting Your Soulmate
When compiling a list of qualities desired in a soulmate, people rarely include
Lucille Goes Dating
I’m in recovery, trying to get over love once shared
A Secret History of Acronyms
As I look back on my multi-decade crawl through
When I Was Essentially A Werewolf
St Germain’s opener to Tourist, “Rose Rouge,” samples Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” and Marlena Shaw’s live performance of “Woman of the Ghetto.” The combination of the samples