Creepmas Fiction

Would You Still Love Me If I Were (Slowly Being Decomposed by) a Worm?

Photo of a shovel dropping dirt on a covered dead body

By Meg Spring

Before she goes back to sleep, she asks, “Do you believe in ghosts?”

I spread a shovelful of dirt over her toes. “Seen any paranormal activity lately?” Starlight burns into the gaps in her smile.

“Everything’s pretty dead here.” She giggles, tugging a strip of flesh from her fingertip.

I nudge her fractured patella through her skirt. “There won’t be enough of you left for me to visit if you keep that up.” Exposed, striated muscle pulls her torn lips into a frown.

“I wish it could be like it was before.”

“Me too.” I bury her in ephemeral rest.

ASCII shrug symbol

Meg Spring is a happy little writer, English tutor, and bunny rabbit babysitter from the Midwest. Her fiction has been published in Moon City Review, and she has work forthcoming in On the Run. She can be found on Twitter @MegWritesOkay.

Why we chose this piece: Cute undead romance? Yes, please! This piece is wholesome and delightfully spooky. The imagery and banter are so vivid, and Meg really brings these characters to life in such a short time. 

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