By Roberta Schine


One Halloween, I put on a white sheet with a blue line down the center and marched around the neighborhood as a proud sanitary napkin. My friend, Joannie, was a tampon. Clad in cotton batting, her red socks completed the look. We were both thirteen.

Mrs. Nelson gasped and slammed the door when I told her what we were. She called my mother. She said she didn’t call Joannie’s mother because she could tell it was my idea. (She was right.) My mother scolded me because when I left the house I said I was a ghost. Then she laughed.

ASCII shrug symbol

Roberta Schine is a yoga instructor, former karate instructor, immigration activist, and writer living in New York City. She teaches yoga classes for people with Parkinson’s and for people with cancer at Mount Sinai Union Square Hospital. Her writing has appeared in Rattapallax, Passager, Pandemic Diaries, Penmen Review,, (in Spanish), Perigrinosysuslettras (in Spanish), and other literary publications.

Why we chose this piece: We desperately hope this is nonfiction, but even if it’s not, this piece is so fucking funny. In just a few lines, Roberta shows us exactly what the narrator and Joannie’s friendship is like. The whole thing feels like a memory that isn’t even ours.

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  1. Wow, thank for saying my story is “fucking funny.” Such a wonderful compliment! And yeah, it’s nonfiction>

  2. I love this little work of art so much. Each line, each word, does exactly what it needs to do. I mean: “…marched around the neighborhood as a proud sanitary napkin.” So. Fucking. Funny. Thank you, Roberta!

    1. Thank you, Cat.
      So fucking much!

  3. A true feminist even at 13! What a great story, memory and picture of a world where feminine hygiene is something to have your mom called on you. You go Roberta march on!

  4. Thank you, Su! Nice to think of myself as “a true feminist even at 13!”

  5. This story is pure Roberta, ask her what she wore last Halloween! Just kidding. Loved it.

  6. This is such a wonderful story, Roberta!! I absolutely love it!

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