By Walter Weinschenk


Pointed horns and offset jaw;
Blood veined eyes
And long spear teeth.

I tried my best
To bar the door
Before he could get in.

ASCII shrug symbol

Walter Weinschenk is an attorney, writer and musician. Until a few years ago, he wrote short stories exclusively but now divides his time equally between poetry and prose. Walter’s writing has appeared in a number of literary publications including the Carolina Quarterly, Lunch Ticket (Amuse-Bouche), Lighthouse Weekly, Sand Hills Literary Magazine, The Banyan Review and others. His first full length book, “The Death of Weinberg: Poems and Stories” (Kelsay Books) will be available this winter. Feel free to check out more of his work at

Why we chose this piece: This poem carries a lot of tension in a little bit of space. The diction is tight, and the imagery is vivid. We also appreciate that the question of whether the speaker’s best was good enough remains unanswered.

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