By Greg Zorko

you can tell me
about your dreams

your forecast is

i call you
Joe Jr.

and you make the future feel
like a problem gambler

it takes
overwhelming effort

you fall
back asleep

i read
that a one-in-a-million event
every few days
depending on what
you consider
an event

ASCII shrug symbol

Greg Zorko is a writer based in Madison, WI. He is the author of Ghost in the Club (Metatron, 2016) and Chirp (Ursus Americanus Press, 2018). He writes a lot about nature, the Midwest, anxiety, food, God, and socialism.

Why we chose this piece: Political poems are usually tough sells for us because they tend to be very external. This one popped for us, though. Poetic language and imagery take the front seat to drive home Greg’s point. The language is tight, and he uses a subtle hand to make politics personal. Despite past disappointments, people want to believe in their candidates to make a difference in their lives; we get told to vote to make our voices heard, but these days, it feels like we’ve hit a wall. And that ending? Phenomenal. It encapsulates dread and worry in a clever, compelling way.

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