By Alana Rodriguez


I’ll tap myself on the shoulder, “You won’t want to miss this.”


Alana Rodriguez is a creative from Chula Vista, CA. A first-generation graduate from San Diego State University, she holds a B.A. in English. When she’s not writing unfinished poems in her notes app, you can find her baking cookies for her family and doing crossword puzzles for herself. Find her words in Boats Against the Current and the San Diego Poetry Annual.

Why we chose this piece: We couldn’t stop thinking about this one-line wonder for days after we first read it. We would go about minding our business, then this sentence would pop into our heads and make us smile. As an itty-bitty piece, this effectively stirs up a ton of questions while evoking an optimism we rarely see in contemporary lit.

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1 Comment

  1. Oof, that really does pack a punch. Despite the specificity of the statement, it allows for many interpretations. I love it!

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