By Sarah Corwin

outside there’s
puzzle pieces strewn allover the sidewalk
(Seriously. There are)
like somebody is setting a trap for
poets, and
they got me

Sarah Corwin is a Seattle-based visual artist who cheats on her art with poetry when she doesn’t feel like getting out of bed. Her poems have been featured in Detritus and Pile Press, and are forthcoming in Bullshit Lit and Delicate Emissions. twitter: @thescorwin
Why we chose this piece: We love Sarah’s self-deprecating voice and how she uses self-reflexivity. The use of capitalization, punctuation, and formatting is effective at emphasizing her voice and the tone of the poem. We love that the humor pokes fun at poetry while fully embracing it. She sets a trap for the reader just as the puzzle pieces do. On its face, the poem feels light, but then you go back to the beginning and absorb the title; suddenly everything feels a little more melancholy in a beautiful way.